Hello World
How it begins
In this post-web2.0 age, people seem to blog less and less, and blogs seem to be dying slowly. People are separated in different Apps where the content is not searchable by search engines.
However, I still prefer to write using a blog.
Why this?
The best way to learn something is to teach others the knowledge that you have gained. Regurgitating that information will solidify it more firmly in your mind.
What I write?
Mostly random stuff and a few tutorials. I'll see where this goes.Although some of the blog posts may only be helpful to myself, but who knows, I hope they will be helpful to someone else in some day.
Static blog generator
I use hugo as a static site generator.After trying a couple of blogging platforms and trying to build a few from scratch I decided to throw in the towel and opt in for a ready made solution, no need reinventing the wheel.
Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.Hugo provides a robust theming system that is easy to implement but capable of producing even the most complicated websites.Hugo's Go-based templates provide just the right amount of logic to build anything from the simple to complex. For this site I decided to go with the even theme. The commenting system is implemented using Utterances
Blog site hosting
The site is hosted on github pages as evident by the *.github.io domain name.I prefer this mainly because it is free and I don't have to switch to a different hosting provider.